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Миграция VM5 на VM6 настройка Libvirt

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Для миграции VM5 на VM6 вам в документацию нужно добавить информацию, что при миграции с CentOS 7, нужно внести изменения в Libvirt

cat /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd | grep LIBVIRTD_ARGS
Пример ответа

Если строка LIBVIRTD_ARGS=”–listen” закомментирована:

nano /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd

для ОС CentOS 7 — раскомментируйте её:




nano /etc/sysconfig/iptables

add on line


-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 8081 -j ACCEPT


-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 16514 -j ACCEPT


systemctl restart iptables


Перевыпуск TLS

Section 1. Main Directories Involved

In a default KVM installation on RHEL 7/CentOS 7, you get the following main directories:

/etc/pki/CA where the public Certificate Authority certificate is stored,
/etc/pki/CA/private where the private Certificate Authority key is located,
/etc/pki/libvirt where the public KVM host server certificate is stored,
/etc/pki/libvirt/private where the private KVM host server key is located.


CA Certificate Generation
To create a new KVM host server certificate with a duration period of more than 1 year, you first need to create a new CA certificate:

cd /etc/pki/CA/private


Create a file called and paste the following lines into:



cn =
expiration_days = 2000


Note: By default, the expiration_days variable worths 365 (1 year). Here, we use 2000 days, ie more than 5 years.

Then, generate a private CA key:

(umask 277 && certtool --generate-privkey > certificate_authority_key.pem)


Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key…
Now, you can combine the CA template with the CA key to get the CA certificate:

certtool --generate-self-signed \
--template \
--load-privkey certificate_authority_key.pem \
--outfile certificate_authority_certificate.pem


Next, you need to copy the new public CA certificate to the right location with the right default name (cacert.pem):

cp -p certificate_authority_certificate.pem ../cacert.pem

Finally, you have to set the correct permissions:

chmod 444 /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem
restorecon /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem


KVM Host Certificate Generation

To create a new KVM host certificate, you need to copy the public CA certificate and the private CA key into the /etc/pki/libvirt/private directory:

cp -p certificate_authority_certificate.pem certificate_authority_key.pem /etc/pki/libvirt/private


Then, you need to go into the /etc/pki/libvirt/private directory:

cd /etc/pki/libvirt/private


You need to create a file called and paste the following lines into:

organization =
cn = kvm
expiration_days = 2000


Next, you need to generate a private KVM host key:

(umask 277 && certtool --generate-privkey > serverkey.pem)


Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key…
Now, you can combine the server template with the private KVM host key to get the public KVM host certificate:

certtool --generate-certificate \
--template \
--load-privkey serverkey.pem \
--load-ca-certificate certificate_authority_certificate.pem \
--load-ca-privkey certificate_authority_key.pem \
--outfile server_certificate.pem


Next, you need to copy the new public KVM host certificate to the right location with the right default name (servercert.pem):

cp -p server_certificate.pem ../servercert.pem


Finally, you have to set the correct permissions:

chmod 440 /etc/pki/libvirt/private/serverkey.pem
chgrp qemu /etc/pki/libvirt/private/serverkey.pem
restorecon /etc/pki/libvirt/private/serverkey.pem
chmod 440 /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem
chgrp qemu /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem
restorecon /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem


At this point, you should be able to start the libvirtd daemon:

systemctl restart libvirtd

KVM Client Certificate Generation

Optionally, you may need to create a new KVM client certificate.
Create a new file called and paste the following lines into:

country = DE
state = Berlin
locality = Berlin
organization =
cn = kvm
expiration_days = 2000
Then, you need to generate a private KVM client key:

# (umask 277 && certtool –generate-privkey > clientkey.pem)
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key…
Now, you can combine the client template with the private KVM client key to get the public KVM client certificate:

# certtool –generate-certificate \
–template \
–load-privkey clientkey.pem \
–load-ca-certificate certificate_authority_certificate.pem \
–load-ca-privkey certificate_authority_key.pem \
–outfile client_certificate.pem
Next, you need to copy the new public KVM client certificate to the right location with the right default name (clientcert.pem):

# cp -p client_certificate.pem ../clientcert.pem
Finally, you have to set the correct permissions:

# chmod 400 /etc/pki/libvirt/private/clientkey.pem
# restorecon /etc/pki/libvirt/private/clientkey.pem
# chmod 400 /etc/pki/libvirt/clientcert.pem
# restorecon /etc/pki/libvirt/clientcert.pem
Source: Libvirt website.

Certificate Expiration Date
At any time you can ask for the expiration date of a given certificate (here servercert.pem):

# certtool -i –infile /etc/pki/libvirt/servercert.pem | grep “Not After”
Not After: Thu Jul 01 11:11:49 UTC 2021

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