sudo yum install yum-utils
If it’s already installed, great move on to the next step, if not then allow it to install.
Now we can enable remi-php71
sudo yum-config-manager —enable remi-php71
Now we can tell yum to update, this will upgrade our old version of PHP to 7.1
yum -y --enablerepo=remi install php71-php php71-php-pear php71-php-bcmath php71-php-pecl-jsond-devel php71-php-mysqlnd php71-php-gd php71-php-common php71-php-fpm php71-php-intl php71-php-cli php71-php php71-php-xml php71-php-opcache php71-php-pecl-apcu php71-php-pecl-jsond php71-php-pdo php71-php-gmp php71-php-process php71-php-pecl-imagick php71-php-devel php71-php-mbstring
service php-fpm stop yum -y --enablerepo=remi install php71-php php71-php-pear php71-php-bcmath php71-php-pecl-jsond-devel php71-php-mysqlnd php71-php-gd php71-php-common php71-php-fpm php71-php-intl php71-php-cli php71-php php71-php-xml php71-php-opcache php71-php-pecl-apcu php71-php-pecl-jsond php71-php-pdo php71-php-gmp php71-php-process php71-php-pecl-imagick php71-php-devel php71-php-mbstring # Link new php to default binary rm -f /usr/bin/php ln -s /usr/bin/php71 /usr/bin/php /opt/remi/php71/root/usr/bin/php-cgi # Replace old PHP.ini with new one MAKE BACKUP BEFORE THAT IF YOU DO CHANGES. rm -f /etc/php.ini ln -s /etc/opt/remi/php71/php.ini /etc/php.ini
mv /usr/bin/php-cgi /usr/bin/php56-cgi ln -s /usr/bin/php71-cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi
sudo yum update
After the process has finished your server will now have PHP 7.1 installed, we need to restart our web server for it to take effect however.
If you have Apache and NGINX installed, or just Apache installed run
sudo service httpd restart
If you are running NGINX and PHP-FPM then run
sudo service php-fpm restart && sudo service nginx restart
Lastly we’ll check the PHP version like we did at the start
php -v