[+] новые функции
[*] улучшена функциональность
[-] вопрос решен
Последние обновления:
- [+] RoundCube was updated to the latest version (1.1.3). The update will be applied automatically.
- [-] Trying to install the Moodle application resulted in the “Administrator’s country. This required field is empty. You need to specify a value.” error message. (PPP-17570)
- [-] The Plesk administrator was not warned that removing localhost from the mail server’s white list will break Mailman. (PPPM-3034)
- [-] Updating the password of an additional administrator account resulted in an incorect notification. (PPPM-3229)
Полный список обновлений находиться на официальном сайте: Release Notes for Plesk 12.0 for Linux Systems