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Zabbix : Add Monitoring Target(Debian) Zabbix Agent2

Zabbix : Add Monitoring Target(Debian) Zabbix Agent2

To add a monitoring target for Zabbix Agent2 on a Debian system, follow the steps below:

1. Install Zabbix Agent2 on the Debian system if it is not already installed. You can do this by running the following command:


sudo apt-get install zabbix-agent2



Debian 12

dpkg -i zabbix-agent2_6.4.7-1+debian12_amd64.deb


Change server Zabbix

sed -i "s/Server=," /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent2.conf
systemctl start zabbix-agent2.service
systemctl restart zabbix-agent2.service
systemctl enable zabbix-agent2.service
systemctl status zabbix-agent2.service

[3] If Firewalld is running allow Zabbix related ports.


Finally, log in to your Zabbix server web interface and add the Debian system as a monitoring target by creating a new host entry and associating it with the Zabbix Agent2 template.

Now the Debian system with Zabbix Agent2 installed is successfully added as a monitoring target in your Zabbix environment.

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